Interview about the belt promotion survey on the Fightworks Podcast
I decided that posting an update every week or so might be a good idea to let people know how the survey is progressing and if its been featured anywhere. So far the response to the survey has been great with almost 500 responses now collected but being the greedy researcher that I am I still want more. The survey will be up until just before Christmas and in that time I'm going to try and double or at least triple the amount of responses collected to date. It might be a bit optimistic but hey... it's always better to aim high!
If anyone reading this feels inclined to help spread the word about the survey I will be entirely grateful. Posting a link to the site through Facebook/twitter/message boards or just mentioning it to people in your BJJ classes all really do help!
The survey was also featured on a recent episode of the Fightworks Podcast. The extremely friendly host of the show Caleb was not only happy to promote the study but also brought me on for a quick discussion about it. You can probably tell if you listen to the interview that I was more than a bit nervous and consequently not exactly the most eloquent in my explanations but it certainly helped spread awareness of the research. So thanks again to Caleb and I'll keep on plugging around facebook groups and message boards to try and see if that elusive 1,000 mark can be beat before the survey finishes.
Any comments/suggestions about promotion please let me know either via the comments section below or by emailing me directly through the contact page.